Review: Hangman’s Gap – Rachel Amphlett

Hangman’s Gap
Rachel Amphlett
 Saxon Publishing

Could one man’s obsession with the truth be a fatal mistake?

When Detective Sergeant Blake Harknell is seconded to an active investigation in the hinterland of south east Queensland, he discovers the police station understaffed and the local population wary of his presence in Hangman’s Gap.

After a body is found in suspicious circumstances following a bush fire, the victim of a three-month old fatal car accident may be the only clue to recent events in the small rural town.

But when a third man is bludgeoned to death in his own home, the local police officers close ranks and Blake is left alone to discover what connects the three deaths.

There are too many secrets in Hangman’s Gap, and the more Blake attempts to uncover the truth, the more he risks exposing his past.

Hangman’s Gap is a page-turning crime thriller by Rachel Amphlett, the USA Today bestselling author of the Detective Kay Hunter series.

My View:
A twisty tale of intrigue, small town lives and livelihoods and the ravages of fire.

This is a consuming read, time will disappear as you turn the pages. The landscape is dry and hostile, the small, remote town scratching to survive in the harsh economic and physical climate. Deaths, mystery… twists and more twists….

I can visualise this as a movie – great Australian small town settings, authentic characters and a twisty plot.

2 thoughts on “Review: Hangman’s Gap – Rachel Amphlett

  1. I do love the sound of that setting, Carol. There’s just something about the small town that lends itself to that kind of buried-secrets plot. The characters sound interesting, too; glad you enjoyed it.

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