Time Out

We are at Streaky Bay SA

As some of you may know, a few weeks ago I was the victim of an internet fraud. The $$$ are not recoverable, it could have been worse. It will take my art “business” sometime to recover.

I went through all the stages; shock, disbelief, intense anger, depression… this elaborate fraud sucked the joy from my life.

At first I put 100% effort into trying to sell some art to try and claw back some $$$. The harder you try …. well that didn’t work, in-fact made me feel even worse as all my efforts failed.

I guess acceptance that this was out of my control, took a while in coming.

It was timely that we already had a caravan trip away planned … it has been just what I have needed. A complete change of scene, of focus… I might even feel like painting again soon.

Time for a Little Holiday

We are so lucky in Western Australia, our relative isolation to the rest of the country (and good management skills by State Government) has meant the harshness of Covid19 has been softened and travel within our state is relatively free and easy. I am grateful.

And we are taking a little break to recharge after a busy few months.