16 thoughts on “Future Dreaming

      • As we say here in ‘merica, Boy Howdy! I actually had to go to a LIBRARY to do research for my first novel . The computer I had at the time (1990’s) was so weak it would not connect to the internet through the old dial up modem I bought. The first of many useless gadgets purchased. The manuscript did not get finished until two years ago (after significant prodding by old friends) and by then the zip, flash of on-line reference material seemed “normal”. I still buy books for research and though my recreational reading has been curtailed by the time I spend writing, the enjoyment of the research books makes up for some of it. I am still a sucker for my favorite crime fiction mentors and even, gasp, buy a new hardcover book now and then. Three more novels sold, one under construction and two in the Macbook research file later I would be lost without Bing, Google and, of course, all the great literary minds found here on WordPress. Blog on!

      • I started my working life on PPT – punch paper tape computers (now I feel really old ) πŸ™‚
        Who are your crime fiction mentors Mike? Any favourite reads for the year that is almost over? Congratulations on the sale of your books – I cant imagine how much hard work it has taken to reach this stage in your writing career. Well done!
        My books are all for research too πŸ™‚ I am learning a lot…now what to do with all this knowledge πŸ™‚

      • John Sandford, Ed McBain, Robert B. Parker, Joseph Waumbaugh, W.E.B. Griffin, Stephen Ambrose (non-fiction), Oliver North, a little of Michael Connely and Pat Conroy. Dewey Lambdin, and Forester, among others, for the historical sailing fiction. So many others too. Parker does dialouge as snappy as anybody and Sandford weaves the story, scenery and characters together in a way I wish I could even get close to. And nobody does bad guys like Elmore Leonard! I hope my fiction is a fraction as good those folks. I certainly try hard enough.
        Recently, I have been stepping up my training for a thru hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2017. Gary Sizer’s book, “Where is the Next Shelter?” is a funny and heartfelt story of his (he was only in his 40’s) struggle and triumph completing the 2200 mile hike. Bryson’s 2008 book, “A Walk in the Woods” was just OK. The movie (2015) was saved by Nick Nolte’s performance. Redford phoned his in. Just my humble opinion.

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