Post Script: Death By Sugar – Helen Goltz

Great Australian talent and a read that will leave you with a smile on your face.

Death By Sugar

Death By Sugar

Jesse Clarke #1

Helen Goltz

Atlas Productions

ISBN: 9780980753219



Private investigator, Jesse Clarke, thought sugar was such a friendly substance, until it appears in two of her cases for all the wrong reasons. Traces of sugar were connected to a bomb that blew up her client’s Mercedes. Was the bomb meant to kill or was it just a warning of what is to come? And could sugar have duped the immune system of a client’s mother over thirty years ago, resulting in death? Juggling the two cases-one in the present and one in the past-Jesse finds herself talking to the living and the dead to get results.



My View:

Looking for an enjoyable way to escape the everyday? Then this book is for you! Fun, entertaining with a sparking dialogue and great easy interaction between the protagonists – this book was a delight to read. There are a couple of mysteries to solve; one cold case that has some interesting science behind it, one current case full of larger than life characters, there is a business to run and boyfriend to placate and dog. (Every good read needs a happy, playful dog in the story). This little book (216 pages in all) has a lot to offer.


If you are a fan of Kathryn Ledson or Janet Evanovich (though Jesse Clarke is a lot more reliable, sensible and doesn’t over share her personal life as does Stephanie Plumb) you will love unravelling the mysteries in the Jesse Clarke series.


Australia Day Blog Hop Giveaway 2016

Blog Hop 2016

To celebrate Australia Day on the 26th January  I am giving you three chances to win an ebook by an Australian author by participating in the Australia Day Blog Hop Giveaway!  I am making the entry very simple this year,  all you need to do is leave a comment on the blog post of the 26th of January, which is a review of Kathryn Ledson’s Grand Slam – a great Australian author,  it is as easy as that.   Entries close at Midnight on Wednesday January 27th and winners will be randomly selected and announced shortly thereafter. Entries are open to all (that is the beauty of the ebook).

Shelleyrae at Book’d Out is kindly hosting this giveaway. During the hop, book bloggers will be offering one or more giveaways of books by Australian Authors –  and enter there too, you have to be in it to win it. Here is the link to those participating in the blog hop:

It’s the 2016 Australia Day Book Giveaway Blog Hop!

So get hopping, get reading, leave a comment, meet some new friends. Enjoy Australia Day and some great Australian authors.


The giveaway:

1 ebook copy of the following courtesy of Atlas Productions:

Amanda Apthorpe’s  A Single Breath

Ally Adams Team Lucas

Helen Goltz’s Autumn Manor