Friday Freebie

Friday the 29th of May 2015 Give Away

2015 Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival

To celebrate the start of the Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival I have a Friday Freebie book give away by Festival participant  Fiona Palmer.  I have one copy of Fiona’s latest book –The Sunnyvale Girls courtesy of her publisher, Penguin Random House up for grabs. To enter simply reply to this question in the comments section of this blog or my on face book post, ” Name another book written by Fiona.” ( Hint you can find out all about Fiona and her books here: )

The Sunnyvale Girls: FionaPalmer

This giveaway is open to Australian residents only. The giveaway will close midnight Monday 1st of June and I will contact the randomly selected winner on the following Tuesday. Good luck and happy reading. See you at the Festival.

20 thoughts on “Friday Freebie

  1. Keen to try any Aussie Author I haven’t read before – my book challenge for this year. So have a Heart of Gold for a woman who is about to have The Empty Nest and let me try her latest book

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