My Picks for Best Crime Fiction Reads of 2018

What a fantastic year it has been for readers of all genres. I cannot believe how many 5 star reads I have have had the pleasure to review. Let me start this arduous task of reducing my list to a reasonable number by listing my pick of  the best crime fiction reads of 2018. I hope some of these make it onto your shelves.


In no particular order:

The Sunday Girl – Pip Drysdale

The Sunday Girl

All the Hidden Truths – Claire Askew

All The Hidden Truths

Second Sight – Aoife Clifford

Second Site Aoife Clifford

GreenLight – Benjamin Stevenson 


Scrublands  – Chris Hammer

Scrublands by Chris Hammer

The CraftsMan – Sharon Bolton

The Craftsman

Man at The Window – Robert Jeffreys 

Retribution – Richard Anderson

I, Witness – Niki Mackay

I Witness

Since We Fell – Denis Lehane

Since we Fell

The Wanted – Robert Crais

The Wanted

In The Mail This Week 17 June 2016

In the mail this week I received some fantastic reads – a few by authors I have rad before, a few that are new to me. In this stack are a few works of crime fiction; some Australian crime fiction, a couple of true crime, some international crime writers, crime with a paranormal twist, crime written by local author (Ian Andrew)  and…some contemporary reads.   I have started reading “When the Music Is Over” by Peter Robinson – my first DCI Banks read and I am looking forward to reading the new offering from Australian author Fleur Ferris “Black”- I loved her first book “Risk“. So many great reads ahead of me.


Have you read any of these? What did you think? Any favourites?

In the mail 17 June 2016

Friday Freebie

Friday 5th of June 2015 Give Away

Book cover The Mountain Story

Welcome to this Friday’s giveaway. Today I have  a copy of the haunting novel The Mountain Story by Lori Lansens to offer to you courtesy of the publisher Simon & Schuster Australia. To be eligible for this giveaway please answer the following question in the comments on this blog or my face book post. ( This giveaway is open to Australian residents only but please don’t let that stop anyone from joining this discussion) “Who narrates the you tube book trailers for this release?” I loved these trailers, so evocative and atmospheric.

Here is the link to all three book trailers:


The give away closes Midnight Monday the 8th of June and the winner will be randomly selected and notified the following day. Happy listening and good luck.




Winner announced click here. 




Friday Freebie

Friday 8th of May Give Away!

Cover Image: Season of Shadow and Light - Jenn J McLeod, Simon & Schuster Aust

Today is Friday – the last day of the working week for most of us, and to celebrate this auspicious occasion I have teamed up with the lovely people at Simon & Schuster Australia who are offering one of my readers (of my blog or f/book page) the opportunity to win a copy of Jenn J McLeod’s latest release Season of Shadow and Light.  This will be a random draw and all you need to do is leave me a message in the comments section of the post and tell  me who your favourite female Aussie author is. This give away will  be open until midnight Monday the 11th of May and winner notified on Tuesday the 12th of May and is open to residents of Australia and New Zealand.